Sunday, December 2, 2012

What does technology cost?

In my opinon, tehcnology has many benefits, but also has many costs.Sadly, Americans have become very dependent on their technology. Not a day goes by without checking our phones and social media sites. Friends and family communicate through technology in order to keep in touch with distant relatives. Technological sources have become shortcuts for everyday tasks. Cell phones now have downloadable applications that can be used to perform certain tasks such as providing novels, sports scores, and news to our phones. Simply, technology has made us very lazy. Americans are relying too much on their technology.
Also, technological advances can be a very big distraction. If you were to look at any high school or college level course, you would see students sneakily texting, surfing the web, or playing games on their cell phones. Compared to past forms of communication, technology is the most efficient way of contacting people. In this way, technology is an important and helpful way of communicating. But this may also have a downside in the fact that many people ignore their present conversations for others through the phone. My mom constantly catches me doing this. I will be in a conversation with her, but I will also be texting someone else on my phone which causes me to not be concentrated on what she is saying. Sadly, this is the world we live in and technology will never go away. Americans must learn how to control their dependency on technological devices.

Texting in class can be very distracting.

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